Eating disorders are serious health conditions that affect both your physical and mental health. These conditions include problems in how you think about food, eating, weight, and shape, and in your eating behaviors. There is no exact cause of eating disorders. There are different causes of eating disorders which include:

  • Genetics: Studies found that eating disorders run in the families. Some biological families have certain genetical traits that make them likely to develop eating disorders
  • Cultural and Social ideas: The societal expectations of what an ideal body should be can affect your mental health and change your patterns of behavior.
  • Brain biology: Dopamine and Serotonin are chemicals in your brain which make you feel pleasure. These chemicals activate during certain eating disorder behaviors.


The treatment of eating disorders depends on the specific type of disorder you have. The treatment of eating disorders include:

  • Behavioral therapy: Certain behavioral therapies are effective in treating eating disorders. The most common ones include family-based therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy. Family based therapy is commonly used as an outpatient treatment for children and teenagers with anorexia. This type of therapy also involves the family of the patient. Cognitive behavioral therapy is used to monitor and improve your eating habits, develop problem solving skills. and explore health ways to cope with stressful situations.
  • Medications: There is no cure for eating disorders however there are certain medicines that can help manage the symptoms.
  • Hospitalization: If your eating disorder has caused severe health problems, your healthcare practitioner might recommend a hospital stay.


  • follow your treatment plan
  • don’t isolate yourself from others
  • resist urges to weigh yourself
  • get support from family

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