Autism spectrum disorder is a condition related to brain development that impacts how a person perceives and socializes with others, causing problems in social interaction and communication. Autism spectrum disorder begins in early childhood and eventually causes problems functioning in society. There is no cure for autism but early intervention can make a difference in the lives of many children.

Signs and symptoms of autism spectrum disorder

Social and communication interaction skills

  • does not show facial expressions such as happy, angry and sad by 9 months of age
  • does not respond to name by 9 months of age
  • does not keep eye contact
  • does not play interactive games by 12 months of age
  • does not share interests with others by 15 months of age
  • speaks with an abnormal tone or rhythm and may use a singsong voice or robot like speech
  • doesn’t speak or has delayed speech, or loses previous ability to say words or sentences
  • doesn’t understand simple questions or directions
  • Inappropriately approaches a social interaction by being passive, aggressive or disruptive

Patterns of behavior

  • doesn’t engage in imitative or make-believe play
  • fixates on an object or activity with abnormal intensity or focus
  • Is fascinated by details of an object such as the spinning wheels of a toy car, but doesn’t understand the function of the object
  • Unusually sensitive to light, sound or touch, yet may be indifferent to pain or temperature
  • has specific food preferences such as eating only a few foods or refusing foods with a certain texture
  • performs repetitive movements such as rocking, spinning or hand flapping
  • performs activities that could cause self-harm such as biting or head banging

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