Factitious Disorder imposed on self (also known as Munchausen syndrome)

Factitious disorder imposed on self formerly known as Munchausen syndrome, happens when you falsify, create and or exaggerate having symptoms of an illness that you don’t really have. Factitious Disorder is a rare type of mental disorder in which a person fakes illness. The person may lie about symptoms, make themselves appear sick, or make themselves purposely unwell. This type of mental illness is common in young adults and is considered a type of self-harm.


  • pretending to have physical symptoms (e.g. a headache, or chest pain
  • making yourself ill or producing physical illness (e.g. eating contaminated food to make yourself vomit)
  • show or pretend to have new or additional symptoms following test results or after treatment begins
  • falsify symptoms that you don’t have
  • changing of falsifying your identity
  • intentionally harm yourself
  • alter diagnostic tests.
  • pretending to take medication but hide or spit them out
  • exaggerate symptoms

Risk factors for Factitious Disorder

  • self-esteem or identity problems
  • relationship problems
  • chronic illness during childhood
  • ability to lie and manipulate
  • a history of mental problems such as hallucinations, delusions,
  • abuse or neglect
  • trauma

What causes factitious disorder imposed on self?

There are no exact causes of factitious disorder. Studies suggest that it might be influenced by psychological factors and biological factors. Research suggests that you might fake an illness for following reasons:

  • looking for power and superiority over others
  • reducing anxiety around a fear of abandonment
  • wanting someone else to take care of you
  • creating a new personal identity


Talk therapy: Talk therapy also known as psychotherapy and behavior therapy may help control stress and build coping skills. Family therapy may also be suggested.

Having a primary healthcare professional: Using one healthcare professional to oversee medical care can help manage needed care and the treatment plan.

Medicine: Medicine may be used to treat other conditions such as depression or anxiety.

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