Do you have a relative with a mental illness or a relative struggling with substance abuse? Well, we have a solution for you. We have made an updated list of all the rehab centers in Zimbabwe where you can go and get help.


Mandipa hope Rehabilitation Centre. Cell: 0776 99153 Location: 31 Pringle rd, Harare

Mandara Manor Wellness Centre. Cell 0786 858 831 Location: Tiptol cl, Harare.

Gateway Mental Health Rehabilitation Centre. Cell 0788 080 001 Location: 16 McLaren Rd, Harare.

Mubatirapamwe Rehabilitation Center. Cell 0772 379 751 Location: 26 Wemdy Drive, Harare.

Highlands Halfway House. Tel +2634 497 153/ +2638 644 210 999 Location: 71 grove drive Highlands, Harare

Serenity Mind Center. Tel +263 716 825 245

Active Youth Drug Rehab Centre. Cell +263 779 728 662. Location: Pumula South, Bulwayo.

Care Addiction Rehabilitation. Cell: 0775 424 284. Location: 18 Airport Road, Kingsadale Bulawayo.

St Giles Medical Rehab Centre. Cell 0780 105 246/ 0788 559 159 Location: 8 Drummond Chaplin RD, Milton park.

Borrowdale Halfway House. Cell 0786 858 831 Location: 136 Harare Drive.

Ruwa Rehabilitation Centre. Tel: +263 273 790 238

Here are some government institutions that offer rehab services:

Sally Mugabe psychiatric Unit

Parirenyatwa Annex Psychiatric Unit

Mpilo Hospital

Ingutsheni Psychiatric Hospital

Ngomahuru Hospital and Halfway House

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